Warning: this post contains a picture of my puppy's incision. It's not too graphic but may be a little much for some.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of my wonderful readers. You are all the best. No joke. Your comments, emails, and tweets over the past week have helped me tremendously to get through the Coco fiasco. It touches me just how amazing bloggers are. I felt a little foolish gushing about my doggy drama since there are many people out there going through severe medical problems, various dilemmas, and countless troublesome events. In the scheme of things I know a puppy may sound trivial to some. But she's my baby and I adore my pup!
To recap, Coco eats everything and became really sick. Surgery reveled that random other junk (carpet, weeds, wood, etc.) got clogged in her tummy but the bra she ate was the worst. She's not even five months old yet, what's she doing playing with bras? This little girl is trying to grow up far to fast ;) But in all seriousness, her intestines ruptured and the contents were leaking inside her. The vet cleaned her out, removed nearly a foot of intestines, cut into five different areas to remove pieces of bra, and sewed her up with 10 stitches.
To recap, Coco eats everything and became really sick. Surgery reveled that random other junk (carpet, weeds, wood, etc.) got clogged in her tummy but the bra she ate was the worst. She's not even five months old yet, what's she doing playing with bras? This little girl is trying to grow up far to fast ;) But in all seriousness, her intestines ruptured and the contents were leaking inside her. The vet cleaned her out, removed nearly a foot of intestines, cut into five different areas to remove pieces of bra, and sewed her up with 10 stitches.

Left of picture is the bottom of her abdomen and the top is on the right. When they cut back in to fix her, I am assuming they'll use the few small inches of space below this scar. Talk about battle wounds!
The first two days were the most cautious because there was a chance that the stitches inside her belly would bust back open. All things considered, she's doing very well. My parents are keeping her for a few weeks so my mom can watch her during recovery and ensure she's gets the four small meals that she requires daily. If she eats too fast and consumes too much problems may arise.
The little fatty (a basset hound and pit mix) was steadily gaining 2 lbs. a week before surgery and was up to 22 lbs. at 4 1/2 months. INot sure what she weighs now, but I can't imagine it's more than 15 lbs. You can see about every bone in her skinny body. When you combine that with the cone around her neck she'll have to wear for about 10 more days, she's a pitiful looking creature. But pitifully cute ;)
Coco in her glory days...about a month ago
Again, I am amazed at the outpouring of love from all of you. I promise to start visiting all of your blogs more regularly soon, and for my posts to be more upbeat!
I hope Coco has a speedy recovery!
aww, she is such a brave and tough girl. :D hoping for her recovery so she can go play. :D
<3, Mimi
SO glad to hear she is doing well! She really is one tough, but super cute, pup!!
Oh, sweetie - I'm so sorry you had to go through this (especially on top of everything else you dealt with this week). I'm glad that Coco is doing better - so crazy that all of that happened so fast, I feel like it was just days ago that you were talking about how you had gotten a puppy! I'll be keeping you and puppy in my thoughts - seriously, I know how quickly people get attached to their animals and I'm wishing Coco a very, very speedy recovery.
Let me know if you need ANYTHING! xox
Glad the surgery went well! Hopefully she will have a speedy recovery.
YAY LEEANN! I'm so happy that Coco made it through and that her stitches seem to be holding. What a relief and a blessing! I know this has been and still IS stressful, but you are carrying yourself with such positivity and grace. Y'all are still in my prayers until this little one is totally back to her normal self. :)
Sweetie, I am so glad that she is getting better. I've been thinking of you and Coco. It sounds like she is in good hands with you and your family. You've been very strong through this and I commend you for that. Keep us posted and you know if you need to talk, I'm here!
I'm so glad you're starting to crate her. I know it's tough, but it really will be the best thing for her.
So happy to hear she's on the road to recovery!
YAY for Coco! Thank goodness she's on the mend and I hope she's up and running around again in no time!
Holy scar, Batman! I hope Coco recovers quickly!
i'm just glad she's okay. now if she would only learn her lesson...hmmm ;)
here's to a quick and easy recovery!
AAh hgope se get well soon :)
My heart is breaking after reading your post. Coco is the cutest dog ever and I'm so sad she's been sick. But happy to hear she's on the mend. I hope she recovers quickly. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this! Thinking of you.
I'm sorry I haven't been stopping by and commenting as much I usually do. I hope Coco has a speedy recovery. Hope all is well. :)
give her a big hug for me!
Oh poor thing, glad to hear she's doing well :)
i've been thinking about you and coco! glad she's on the mend. pammi
I'm so happy to hear Coco is ok! I'm sorry I missed this post originally but soooo happy for you and her!
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