Hot man alert for today's Man Candy Monday...OK well, I think they are all hot. But Mr. Eddie Cibrian seems to be my newest crush. He is the reason I started watching The Playboy Club.
He's married to a lady with the same name as me, so I basically have a chance with him ;) No but really, I know there is an iffy deal with him, LeAnn Rimes, and his ex-wife Brandi but from the previews of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills his ex seems cray cray. At least he left her instead of playing the cheater role. I still do NOT condone cheating. I also don't know the full story so I won't go into it any more. Instead let's feast our eyes on those dimples!

Edward Carl Cibrian
June 16, 1973
San Fernando Valley, CA
Both of his parents are of Cuban descent
Marital Status
Married to LeAnn Rimes
Attended UCLA and was on the football team
Fun Facts
-Involved with multiple charities
-Is 6'2"
Notable Roles
-The Playboy Club
-CSI: Miami
-Ugly Betty
-Samantha Who
-The Young and the Restless
-Saved By the Bell: The College Years
Hot right? Now it's your turn. Who are you crushing over this week? Link up and show us!

31 comments:, no, no, no, NO!!! he's a cheater!!! and leann rimes...gross! you are so much better a leann than she ever will be! swear!!!
I liked him on Y&R but then that phase faded fast. He's still a good looking guy though but he's somewhat off now that he is with that skinny girl. I couldn't stop laughing when I read 3Deep. I guess it's one of those regrets for him. Okay, I got to watch the video now.
Holy Smokes he is H.O.T!!! That smile, those dimples, he's almost as hot as my husband. (had to say that in case there was some way he read that)
He is definitely a good looking man! And you're right...the ex seems nutty. :)
Soooooooooooo hot! I've always thought that, but something has to be off because of his crazy ex and his crazy current. LeAnn Rimes is kinda rude, weird and gross. Don't worry, next week I've got some man candy that everyone is going to hate!
(Man, I love RHOBH!)
girl we are SO on the same brain wave or something! hhaha he was going to be my pick this week too!! hahaha too funny. hmm I'll have to put someone else then ;) but yes i love him, I don't know the full story either, so I'm choosing not to judge him... and those dimples help! and i've been really liking the Playboy Club too!
he was in movie with maurice chesnut, i forgot the title, but that's when i first saw his hotness! hahaha didn't know he is a cali boy, socal to be exact at heart! makes him even hotter than the sun iteself :)
one word: dimple! its so hot:)
I liked him in "Ugly Betty" a lot. Even if he played a lame ass cheater. Seems to be a theme with him, not a good thing. But awesome smile!
Pretty sure I was just telling one of my girlfriends today that Eddie Cibrian is my new crush. Gorgeous!
I guess I didn't know anything about him... But he's GORGEOUS.
xo Josie
He IS cute... and those DIMPLES!? swoon! He is questionable in the "relationship" department, though...
Very good (maybe controversial!!) pick for this week! lol
I cannot get past his sheistyness! HA!
I used to love him back in the day when he was on Third Watch? (Did anyone watch that show besides me?) I think LeeAnn Rimes is GROSS! You are way cooler. ;) His ex does seem crazy, but like I said LeeAnn Rimes is NASTY! His looks are still hot even if his personality is not. How hilarious was that video though?
He does look good!!
He is definitely a cutie! Love those dimples!
Eddie is cute, but he totally has a sleezy persona- nonetheless I think the ManCandy idea is so fun and I'll be checking in to see who makes it next week :)
New Visitor,
Liv @
he's cute but not my type really... Jon Hamm is more 60's for sure!!! ha!!!
He's definitely cute - but still kind of a douchebag. The dimples though - adorable! In my 60's dramas though, I definitely prefer Jon Hamm (but maybe that's because he's less douche-y?). xox
He is definitely man candy! But I can't bring myself to watch his new show. I'm not a fan of his cheating, even though they did admit it.
He's definitely a cutie.
I'm totally crushing on him, too. :) Just finished this week's Playboy Club....sigh. Those dimples! He is a hottie for sure. & I totally didn't know he was in a boy band! HA! How embarrassing! :)
So I'm watching Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (please don't judge) and Eddie's ex-wife is actually on right now! Weird.
The dimples...gah! He's so handsome and I didn't really realize it until I started watching The Playboy Club. I know a fellow blogger (Blair at Reasonably Swanky) met him and LeeAnn last year at the mall completely at random. She said they were really nice and posed for pics with her.
He's a pig. A cute pig, but still a pig.
You are so much better than he is!!!
Oh man. I've blogged about him before. or maybe that was just me dreaming about him 24/7. Eddie is one of my fav hottie male celebrities! sooo HOT. ;)
ps-following you :)
I think he's extremely sexy and those dimples...need I say more?! And I cannot believe The Playboy Club was cancelled today!!! Not cool ABC. Good choice Leeann, me likey!
so good looking :)
Regardless of his personal life (because just like you said we don't know the whole story!) he is definitely so freaking SEXY!!! Those dimples - OMG!! I love his smile and his face just seems so warm. I just heard last night that the Playboy Club got canceled already!! I didn't get a chance to check it out, but Eddie made me want to! I can't believe he was a member of a boy band!!! As you can tell from my Man Candy post I will forever be a huge fan of boy bands hahaha I'll have to check out the video :) Great choice Leeann!! :) And how neat that as you pointed out - you already have the right name for Eddie :)
I love following the LR/Eddie/Brandi drama.... LR Is pretty crazy!!
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