Not going to lie, today's Man Candy Monday selection makes me feel a bit like a perv because he's a youngster. BUT cougars are in...can you be a cougar at 28? Anyways, my pick is Liam Hemsworth. With all of the Hunger Games hype I'm not sure how anyone can deny that Liam is hot right now.
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest

Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Source: via Leeann on Pinterest
Liam Hemsworth
January 13, 1990
Born in Melbourne, Australia and grew up on Phillip Island south of Melbourne
Dating Status
Back on again with Miley Cyrus.
Interesting Facts
-Is the youngest of the Hemsworth brothers, which also include Luke and Chris, all actors.
-Was beat out for the role of Thor by his brother, Chris.
-Is 6'3"
Notable Roles
The Last Song
Neighbours (Australian soap)
Young but cute, right? Your turn! Pick your Man Candy, blog about him, and link up!

I totally picked this guys awhile back! He's a looker alright! And you're no perv! Hahahaha. Can't wait for the movie!
Hmmmm, I kind of like 'em young. ;) haha. BUT I'll still take Peeta over Gale. :) teehee.
He's definitely cute and I can totally see him playing Gale The Hunger Games (I love Peeta though).
He's got gorgeous eyes and you're totally not a cougar ;)
Whata babe!! He's definitely one of my favorites (: and 6'3"? I'm alllll over that ;)
He's gorgeous, but Chris has him beat by just a little bit hehe. I can't believe the genetics in that family!
can't wait to see him in Hunger Games
parenting articles
I loved him in The Last Song - what a good looking guy,
xx Emily @
1990?! Shit. At least he's legal! And sooooooooooooo attractive.
I can't wait for hunger games, I HAVE to read the book first though. The previews look so good. And hot dayum, he's HOT!
oh yes hello mr. handsome, i would like you and i know you have a super hot brother too to take me out on a date. i know my husband will probably beat you up for taking his wife out on a date, but um... you are hot!
he's dating miley cyrus which lowers him on the hotness meter.
but hunger games, on the other hand, is HOT HOT HOT!!!
He is sexy!!! But yes, a little young for me. oh, but those eyes!
yummy and hot!!! Liam could be any girls knight in the shining armor, love this post!!!
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Hi Leane! firstly thank you so much for stopping by and saying hi on my blog from Christianna's blog! :)
Secondly, I'm totally crushing on you man candy for the moment and OH MY GOSH not only is he super cute but guess what!! I just realised he's from the same city as me in Australia, haha, I'm from Melbourne too! Feeling kinda proud right about now with our home grown talent, even though I can't believe he was born in the 90's (hmmm I remember that year )
I'm following your gorgeous blog!
Have a lovely week xo
Btw, sorry I meant to say Leeann, I'm use to spelling it the other way cause I have a close friend who writes it the other way : /
He is pretty cute, I have to admit then I scrolled down and saw he was born in 1990. hehe, he's so young. He has really nice eyes though. Great post!
Gorgeous indeed!
Yes! I love him. I’m going to have a Twilight-like dilemma with these movies. (I’m team Edward, but Jacob is way hotter.) I’m team Peeta, but Gale is waaaaay hotter! I didn’t know they had another acting brother!?
He is a hottie!!! I can't wait to see him in The Hunger Games
I can't wait to see him in The Hunger Games! I really like him in The Last Song even though I'm not a fan of Miley.
His eyes are GORGEOUS!
xo Josie
yay he's my age, but damn miley cyrus! haha, just kidding, i actually think they look cute together. ;)
<3, Mimi
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He's cute and I love that he will be playing Gale in The Hunger Games.
His downfall...he is dating Miley Cyrus. lol!
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