Happy Monday! I'm in a strangely happy mood for it being a Monday. Maybe because I had a great weekend? We'll go with that!
Saturday I had the pleasure of meeting up with two of my blogging turned in real life friends, Kate of Nautical By Nature and Meg of Henning Love! And if that weren't epic enough I got to meet Lauren of Wayferers and Worksheets who is awesome!
Lauren, Meg, me, and Kate at the Getty Villa!
Obligatory blog pose ;)
The three of us had a blast together and were meshing like lifelong friends pretty quickly. We first grabbed some lunch at Duke's, a restaurant right on top of the water in Malibu, then headed over to the Getty Villa down the road. The Getty Villa is a museum filled with Greek and Roman artifacts with amazing gardens (pictured below) and views. Naturally we spent a majority of the time outside gabbing and during that we did get in on a free art project the museum was offering - mummy making! Yup, the four of us made mini paper mache mummies and it was so fun!
I can't wait til we all hang out again! Good thing Kate and I have our weekly Pretty Little Liars nights so I can get my blogger fix in each week :)
Your turn! What did YOU do this weekend? Linkup with me and my other co-hosts Dana of Five30Three and Sami of Sami's Shenanigans and let us know!
Never joined a bloghop before? That's OK, it's easy! Simply blog about your weekend, grab our button below, and add the URL to your post to the list below. And if you ever have any questions, let us know. We're happy to help :)

The museum sounds amazing!!!
How fun to meet up with other bloggers!!
Us New Zealand and Australian bloggers aren't all too common, so I haven't met any IRL yet but the Aus/NZ community is definitely growing so hopefully soon!!
meeting up with other blogger is so cool in my book. And oh, I love your dress!
Love your red, white, and blue! How fun to meet up with blog friends, and Malibu..sigh.. Sounds fabulous:)
Sounds like a fun weekend!
Aw I love Meg! Looks like you guys had a great time and you all look gorg! :)
Yay for blogger meetups!! It looks like you ladies had a great time. And those shots you captured of the flowers are gorgeous! Have a happy Monday :)
Aw I love when blogging friends turn into 'real' friends :)
Cute new button!
all your pictures came out great!! i had the best time...can't wait to meet up again!
Sounds like a great weekend!
How fun!! I am hoping to meet up with blog friends soon too :). Follow me on Twitter! I follow you but am private so you can't see when I tweet you! @shelleybells07
Yay glad you guys had a blast!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
awww so jealous you go to hang out with Meg! looks like it was a great weekend!
What a fun weekend! Blogger hangouts are the best. I need to get together with my Chicago blog friends again! Such a cute dress too....obviously. Like you'd wear something not cute!
So fun to have a blogger date! Looks like you all had a blast.
Can we talk about how gorgeous those flowers are!??? And is it ever nerve wracking to meet up with bloggers that you hadn't met before? I've never done it and think it would give me some major butterflies!
Fun! Lovely flower pictures, as usual :)
Pretty girls, pretty flowers! I've never been to the Getty center or villa. It looks great!
So fun! I had a blogger meet up this weekend too! Gotta love blog friendships!
Looks like a great time! I'll link mine up tomorrow! :)
I looove your dress! The Getty Villa looks so gorgeous and the pics you got of the flowers are beautiful! Sounds like a great weekend :)
Sounds like a fun weekend. Glad you got to hang out with a few bloggers again. And I really believe a visit to the Getty Villa is a must...it looks sooo gorgeous!!!
So fun!!! I love all you girls! I need some blating in my life!!! I have to know, did you talk blogging or about other stuff? I always wonder what's said on blates. ;) You all looked presh!
I always love seeing other bloggers get together! I especially love when they turn into "real life" friends :) It always confirms that these connections we make with each other are truly special! You always have the cutest outfits and accessories! I love that you girls took part in the free art project :) It's been ages since I've done paper mache! How fun!
The gardens look so peaceful! Sounds like a great weekend with new and old friends. :)
Wow, what a beautiful place! I hope I get to meet some of my new blogger friends soon! It's always great to make lasting relationships. I feel like I know some bloggers better than my friends because we pour our hearts and souls into what we do!
Love that you got to meet blogger friends over the weekend! How fun!! I really like your dress! Also I love the new cute weekend update button! :)
Wow--looked like a beautiful, fun day! Where's your mini mummy?
How fun! I love meeting up with blog friends :)
Looks like such a fun time. I love your outfit, especially that super cute bag.
sounds like a great weekend!!
That's so fun that you met up with other bloggers!! It's amazing how blog friends can become such amazing real life friends.
How nice to meet up with a fellow blogger friends! Love your outfit dear it is very nautical. You look so adorable! ollowing you on GFC dear. Lets keep in touch!
Looks like you had a great time! Love your blog, following now!
Aww! Looks like SO much fun! I love your dress too.
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