My mom has a weird reaction to the sun every time we go to the lake or river and her face swells up in the area between her eyes. It's pretty scary because she kind of looks like a lion when it happens. Her dermatologist recently told her that she's allergic to the sun when extremely exposed.
Well, while she doesn't keep out of the sun like she should, or take other precautions, like wearing a hat or sunscreen, she did accidentally stumble upon a cure to her king of the jungle-sized problem: Ambiaty Concentrated Serum.
More concerned with wrinkles than skin cancer, my mom used this product more than sunscreen over the course of our week-long vacation. She was surprised to discover that this beauty product has a little secret, it prevents inflammation caused by allergic reactions to the sun!
Although recommended to rejuvenate the skin and help it appear more youthful, it makes sense that it would actually work the way it did for my mom. The RAWSkincare cream is also designed to reduce pore size, improve hydration, promote healthy cell turnover, and increase the growth of collagen.
So, I can see how this product effectively kept her face looking fresh, and for lack of a better word, normal. In addition to all of the amazing benefits of the Ambiaty Concentrated Serum provides, it also boasts 100% natural certified organic ingredients.
well.. i dont really need the protection from inflamatin but i am interested since it's organic.
wow. i am seriously on the look out for some more organic products.. i read up some of the scary stuff which goes into beauty products recently. :/ Ack!
You mention she was not concerned with Skin Cancer, do you think this product has anything that could cause skin cancer?
Rakshi--This product isn't even actually designed as a sunblock. I wouldn't replace sunscreen with this cream.
My mom just used it as part of her skin care regimen and it happened to reduce swelling.
As far as the product actually causing skin cancer, I'm not sure. However; I don't think that a product could cause skin cancer, I think only sun exposure can. But I could be wrong...
Thanks for the question!
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