This past weekend I was lucky enough to purchase tickets for the No Doubt reunion tour. Words cannot even express how excited I am to see the group back together. I love Gwen, but she's best (in my opinion) when she's with the boys. I like the music more and I like her style more as well.

There's no question that Gwen has an incredible fashion sense. I am a L.A.M.B. fan for sure--my checkbook will back that statement up =) haha. However, there's something that I can relate to when I reminisce about her clothing choice of the past.
Most of us were introduced to this strong, positive female figure when "Just a Girl" blasted through the airwaves. I still get goosebumps when I watch the video. If he haven't seen it in awhile, or at all, check it out here. That was the moment for me when I realized how amazing the front woman and the band were.

I was a young girl wearing wife beaters, Dickies, and black and white Dr. Martins (which I still wear!) and I adore seeing Gwen in this clothing as well. It helped me relate to her. And of course, being that she is from the same town where I was born, Anaheim, and briefly attended my alma matter, Cal State University, Fullerton, that was just extra-cool to me.
Below are pictures of No Doubt's leading lady through the years, starting from our first introduction to her and going on to about five years ago when the band last toured. Enjoy!

And here's a fun picture that I had to add in. It's circa 1994!

Are you a fan of Gwen's fashion? If so, which style of hers do you like the best?
Photos courtesy of:,,, nodoubt1999,
Awww I love No Doubt! I had no idea they were having a reunion tour, I've never been to any of their concerts.
Great coverage! It's hard to say which period is my favorite, cause I appreciate her creativity with each album. From their self-titled ska-inspired album and the Beacon Street Collection to Tragic Kingdom and Return of Saturn. I have gone to 3 concerts of No Doubt - 2 from the Rock Steady album and 1 during the RofSaturn album. I enjoyed them all!
And right now...I totally love the couture level of her fashion sense (and of course L.A.M.B.!) Let me just say though, the way that she can jump around the stage in her docs seems hardly attainable in heels. I hope when she tours, she brings it back to their roots: her sweaty, chumming it up with Tony on stage, and singing "Don't Speak" with tears in her eyes...
Have fun at the show, Leeann!
I LOVE No Doubt, they are coming to raleigh, i can't wait.
I love her....and her fashion sense. I am so glad that the group is back together, so exciting :)
are you going to irvine? jennifer bought tickets and i'm stealing some from her!
Tiffany: Yeah, I am going to the August 1 show. Of course bad seats because Ticketmaster sold them to their ticket selling sites before any normal people could buy them =(
Is that the show you're going to?
Ohh I love Gwen! I saw her in Concert here in Aus a few years ago and she was just amazing! And she is SO TINY in person! She had a few costume changes but she looked amazing in her little "Alice in Wonderland-esque" get up that she does so well.
I loved it when she had the blonde hair with the pink tips!
Loooove her! Her evolution has been pretty amazing, some interesting looks there! But I love how she dresses now
old school, chola'd out, just a girl, dickies Gwen is my absolute fav!
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