Saturday, November 21, 2009

An Oak Glen Mini-Getaway

Last weekend I headed to Oak Glen with a friend. Located about two hours east of Los Angeles and a half hour northwest of Palm Springs, this quaint little community is known for its apple orchards.

As a kid I visited and had a magical time picking apples (and cherries when they are in season), so I have been wanting to go back and explore as an adult. As I have complained a million times on this blog, I love Fall and never get to see it because Southern California isn't exactly known for our trees and wilderness. Seeing an actual Autumn is the main reason I wanted to go back.

Unfortunately there was recently a frost and all of the apples died =( I knew this going up there, but figured we would still have a blast leaf peepin', cider sippin', and checking out the farms. I was disappointed to learn that the little town has become pretty commercial, not the idealized vision I had in my head from what I remember as a child. It reminded me of a swap meet because people were selling random stuff like blankets, hats, and other sorts.

I was a bit sad that there wasn't much apple food being sold, and those that were, were pretty expensive. This may very well be due to the frost though. A small warn apple cider, which was literally half the size of a tall Starbucks drink and not much larger than a paper cup that kids keep in the bathroom to use for teeth brushing, was $2! Maybe I am just being cheap...

However, there were some little shoppes featuring apple specialties and trinkets, and I did get to see some Fall. Of course, nothing compared to the New England Autumn that I was dreaming for, but nonetheless, there were a few yellow and orange leaves on the ground =)

We started at the top of the mountain and made our way down through the farms. Along the way this is what we saw:

An old home that reenacts Colonial and Civil War America.

Oak Glen School House Museum built in 1927. Grades 1-6 were taught here by one teacher.

A little shop selling country trinkets.

We spotted two roaming peacocks that didn't seem to mind visitors.

Late afternoon the trees started to look more like those of Autumn.

I hope you all have a great weekend! Enjoy the beauty around you and rest up for next week =)


Anonymous said...

Here's my old blog post on 11/5 that has links to some beautiful New England pictures.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Wow, what a gorgeous place. Sounds like a lovely getaway!

Mrs. Z said...

Looks fabulous! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so envious that it is still the mid-70's there! Got my jammies swap partner :) XOXO

Marian said...

what a gorge place,the images are stunning!

yiqin; said...

The peacock is so cute!

Jillian (Trendology) said...

awww so beautiful

KDC Events said...

I really need to take Trevor there...Especially when there are apples =)

Striped Shirts said...

I love the jacket!!its my favourite colour 2 but im struggling to find a jacket like that!

J said...

looks like a fun weekend!!

Allison said...

Loveee all these pictures! It sounds like you had an absolutely wonderful time =) This looks like the most perfect getaway...I wish I could go there and escape for a little!

Christina said...

I love peacocks! SOOO pretty! :) Glad you had fun!
