I am a small person—just under 5’2”, so a few pounds show more quickly on me than someone say 5’6”.
My senior year in college (about 5-6 years ago) I had some medical problems causing me to gain 40 lbs. in about six months. I kept trying to tell doctors that there was something wrong with me but of course they said it was my metabolism and eating habits. By the time I found a physician who would listen, it was too late. Since then I have never gotten back to my ideal weight.

A few years back I signed up for Weight Watchers online. I did the introductory three month program and lost 10 lbs. I actually kept it off for about two years, too.
When I started my current job I was a hot mess. I was commuting four hours roundtrip everyday. That meant grabbing food on the way to work and not eating dinner until 8 pm or later…not to mention eating out because we don’t have a break room here and I didn’t have anyone to lunch with. On top of that, I became a vegetarian last year. Because I hate cooking, I choose to eat a lot of Mexican and Italian food. Carbs galore!
Needless to say, it was no bueno and directly resulted in a growing booty! In the past two years I have literally gained 17 lbs. Yup, I just put my business all out there for the world to read. Not easy, but I am taking the Biggest Loser outlook for this season. If I put myself on blast, I will be held more accountable to making a change. Just don't ask me to get on a scale in front of my whole city haha!

I now live closer to my work and have incorporated chicken and fish back into my diet. So my eating healthy should be much easier. No more excuses. That’s why I decided to sign up for Weight Watchers online again.
It’s not pricey--$53 for three months and $18 thereafter. BUT having paid money, I don’t want to waste it so I know I will keep up with the diet plan. Plus, it helps that some foods/restaurants list Weight Waters points.
I am on the flex points system which means that if I go over my daily allowance of points (which is calculated by calories, fat, and fiber) I can pull from a weekly allowance I have to splurge. This is nice because if I am starving, I have some room to cheat a bit.
Yesterday is when I signed up. I am still getting used to staying within my budget, but I have done well for these first two days. I am pretty sure I will be successful with the food part of my weight loss mission. The exercise part is my nemesis.
The closest gym that I have near me is a 10 minute walk from my work. I never drive to them because I have to pay $4 to park…ridiculous! Since I usually don’t want to wake up early (I know…) and I don’t like walking in the dark back to my car, I need to find workout alternatives.

Yesterday that alternative was Runyon Canyon. It’s in the Hollywood Hills, filled with people and their adorable dogs, and once you get to the top of the hike there is a beautiful view! You can see all the way from Downtown LA to Santa Monica and the ocean. Breathtaking. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt that there are celebrities there. One day I saw Jennifer Aniston, Orlando Bloom, and Heidi Montag. Yesterday I saw Liz, the current “shop manager” of LA Ink. Apparently she still works there because she was wearing the shop shirt.
I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated on my Weight Watchers experiences, and let you know my next celeb sightings ;)
Photos courtesy of: unk.edu and oopshi.com
Small steps... and you are doing it right. I would love to hike with you in Runyon Canyon when I get back to LA. xoxo
Congrats Leeann! Weight is a horrible thing, I think we all struggle with it one way or another. Being tall is no bueno either, we carry it differently, but more of it! I too am trying to get rid of that last little bit! Good luck to you...We are all here to help support!!!
Seems to me you are going on the right path. I'm also trying to work out and be more healthy.
Will cheer each other out! ;)
That is horrible that you finally found a doctor that would listen when it was too late (isn’t that always the way?), but WW definitely works and even now with my new “healthy lifestyle” I’ve been keeping points in the back of my mind (I’ve just been eating better, watching portions and working out). I have a long way to go and it’s been about 3 months and I’m down 17 pounds.
I think it’s great that you brought chicken and fish back into your diet. That will give you so many more options. I also think you look great already, especially from photos I’ve seen. I just know that everyone has a size they’re comfortable with and I know that you’ll get back to that :)
I still can’t believe that about paying to park at the gym. It’s great though that you have the Canyon to walk/hike and that’s free! The celeb sightings are just an added bonus.
Congrats on starting back with WW! I'm sure you will be able to get the results you want in NO time. Especially with hiking. Great exercise. It always doesn't hurt to have that view waiting for you at the top ;-)
Keep us updated!!
I completely hear you girlfriend! I wish I could get back down to my highschool size. I lost 70lbs last year, and I have about 20 more to go until I reach my goal. I HIGHLY recommend the Biggest Loser last chance work out DVD. It is amazing! You can FEEL the burn, and the video isn't very long. They also have it set up by days so you do Monday on Monday then Tuesday on Tuesday etc. There are 3 different segments and they split it up by days. It's very cool. I swear by it.
Good luck on your journey. I can't wait to see you at a size 3 =)
Congrats!! Thats awesome!! Keep up the good work girlie!
barbielaura.com if you want visit my blog and bloglovin if you want follow me...
The view looks amazing, I definitely would want to visit Runyon Canyon one day.
Good luck with your weight loss. All of your blogging friends are here to support you!
I just joined for the first time in my life on Wednesday....scary to think that now i am 32 the weight just doesn't drop off me...we can cheer each other on. I lost 1.5lb already!! YAY!!
Good luck with Weight Watchers, my love! There is no question in my mind that you will succeed and meet your goal! And while you're at it...rub elbows with celebs in Runyon Canyon!! :)
best of luck <3
I know my sis-in-law really likes Weight Watchers, too. I think it's very admirable to put yourself and your goals out there for all to see. You can do it, girl!! :)
Great work, darling!
congrats! :) that's exciting! i actually met with a personal fittness coach and she;s helping me put together some workouts and help me with my nutrition! so good luck to the both of us!! :)
and can i say as a startstruck kind of person, you seriously saw jennifer aniston? and orlando bloom?? i am so jealous!! :) lol :)
Great job and good luck!
Congrats on getting started! I've developed some bad habits lately and definitely need to take charge of my diet and excercise again. When I don't have time for an outdoor workout sometimes I use videos that you can watch instantly on netflix. it feels cheesy but it's useful!
i know what you mean. I'm five 2 and a half (when you're short every bit counts) and i hate gaining weight because it looks like i've put on so much of it. so frustrating.
Good for you!
How hard is it to hike Runyon Canyon? And how long does it take?? I would really like to do it sometime!
Good for you, girl! I am so proud that you're taking control. I have a friend who went through the exact same situations with a long list of doctors. She had always been thin, is about your height, started taking a new birth control and her weight shot up. Even now, she works out a ton everyday [she's my spinning teacher], but they still can't figure out what/how the weight is staying on. She's slimmed down, but with doctors saying it's just you being unhealthy, they in turn aren't giving her the attention she needs.
I think WW is a fantastic program. You'll do well on it, I know you will. :)
As far as doing exercise outside of a gym, in a safe environment, I would recommend some of Jillian Michaels videos. Seriously, the woman has a heck of an evil side, but 30 Day Shred and her cardio blast [can't remember the exact name] are EXCELLENT. They take next to no time and can be done right at home. You've also got it right with the hiking. Another great way to burn a lot of calories is jump roping [100 in 12 mins] -- it's cheap, you can start off on your own pace and it is a great tone all around. I often forget how tough it is for some people to either afford gym memberships & their add-ons, or to feel safe working out. It's a hurdle, but it can be overcome. I worked for a personal trainer for 2 years, and date a professional athlete, so if you ever have questions, or need some advice, or are looking for some alternative exercises [in addition to these], you know where to find me! :)
GOOD LUCK! I'm gonna be cheerin' you on the whole time. :)
Best of luck darling - you are beautiful regardless of size
Merci beaucoup for your lovely comment darling =]
Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
English Rose x
Way to go lady! I have no doubt you will be successful. You've got just the right attitude!
honey i think you should be very proud of yourself and its the small steps that go towards the larger steps. congrats sweetheart
big kiss
Thanks for visiting my blog! Good luck on your journey, I know you will succeed!
That's great you joined ww! I joined in January and to date- I have lost 25 lbs! Good luck to you :)
Stop by, I'd love to help you reach your goals!
I'm an Independent Beachbody Coach. I've lost over 65 pounds with their products and now I earn good money just doing part time work, check out my site for info on weight loss or turning your health into income Visit Fitness Achievement or my coaching site
Hi! I'm an OC girl who works in LA...the commuter life is one I'm VERY familiar with, too. I'm back on plan right now, because we recently got a Five Guys in my work hood and basically for the last year, I've been eating burgers like it's been my job. Anywhoooo, along with the points plan, I've also just discovered Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. It's 20 minutes a day and you earn like 2 activity points for doing it. I feel awesome and can't wait to weigh in tomorrow! Check it out sometime!!!
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