This summer I picked up a new hobby, reading. Yeah in less than a month I turn 28 and I am just getting in to reading novels. Sad. I blame bad reality TV and my laziness.
I always start books and if I get bored, don't finish them. Maybe I just read the wrong books? Point is, I've started a new chapter in my life (pun intended ;) and am making an effort to read as many books as I can this summer. So far, I've completed:
*Murder on the Boulevard - written by adorable Kori of Blonde Episodes, check it out!
*The Catcher in the Rye - this was my first time, wasn't a fan at all.
*These Things Hidden- Read about 100 pages each time I picked up the book. Suspenseful end.
*Murder on the Boulevard - written by adorable Kori of Blonde Episodes, check it out!
*The Catcher in the Rye - this was my first time, wasn't a fan at all.
*These Things Hidden- Read about 100 pages each time I picked up the book. Suspenseful end.
Any book suggestions you have are welcomed. Send them over my way please!
I hope to continue on and read a book every one to two weeks. So in honor of my new found love for reading, that's the theme for this week's Oh, How Pinteresting post.

I am so happy that I have been linking up with Michelle of The Vintage Apple for her Oh, How Pinteresting blog hop the last few weeks. It's a blast. I highly suggest you sign up if you don't yet have a Pinterest account. And once you're all set, link up with Michelle. Oh yeah, and add me as a friend ;)
I have always been an avid reader and I love to read anything & everything!
What kind of books are you interested in?
i remember hearing about Murder on the Blvd but i have yet to read it. sounds good though!
one of my fave books is "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. for a different pace, I also like "If You Have to Cry Go Outside" by kelly cutrone!
thanks for voting for me by the way!
Love love love love love books. I'm a huge book nerd-so here are a few suggestions from me. (Some of my favorites)
Persuasion - Jane Austen
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams (absolute British hilarity)
The Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley (a version of the king arthur story)
The Dragon and the Unicorn - A.A. Attanasio (a version of the king arthur story)
The Mastery of Love - Don Miguel Ruiz (self help)
The Sookie Stackhouse Series - Charlaine Harris (guilty pleasure of mine, it's what True Blood is based on and I lOVE it)
And my guilty pleasures are
It's never too late to start reading! 3 of my girlfriends and I started our own mini book club and that totally helps us stay on track with reading. Plus, knowing that friends are reading the same things is fun b/c you can talk about it afterward :) xo
I'm sure that you've already read it, as it seems that everyone has, but if not, you must read Hunger Games! That's my recommendation!
I LOVE reading, and this post!
i can PIN for hours - and i now enjoy reading (31) - took me till i was maybe like 26-27 till i started to ENJOY a good book! - now i love reading on the beach!
Although I've read quite some books...lately I just can't read. :( Feel bad about it. A reading block maybe?! Who knows.
To Kill A Mockingbird for sure! And for some fun celeb bios, I loved Tina Fey's "Bossypants" (though some people said you have to be a fan of hers to like it) and Rob Lowe's "Stories I Only Tell My Friends." I have a tab on my blog of the books I'm reading. They are pretty much all light and fun.
Pretty pictures, too!
I need to read more. I really need to read Kori's book, I just need to order it!
Love to read~ you should check out the Steig Larsson trilogy.. starting w/ The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Great read! I need to check out the pintrest link up. Lord knows I love Pintrest!
very cool, i adore books.
Well you know I love to read. You can always check out my book lists!
Read The Help. It has a movie coming out next month, and it has become one of my favorite books.
Have you ever read Jane Austen's Emma? It's the best!
I just started getting into reading, myself. A few of my friends decided to form a book club and I said why not!
We're currently reading "13 Reasons Why" and it's pretty good (it's classified as young adult - but totally a "grown" adult read too!)
LOVE these photos of old books. Is it weird that I love the way old books smell? Anyway, I'd love to hear how Murder on the Boulevard is when you get done!
I am a bibliophage, and have been since I was 3. So I can offer entire lists of books you should read BUT what genres or themes or tropes do you like? :)
(Plus, I recommend Goodreads, which is a great way to find new books to read, review books you've read, swap books, enter book giveaways, etc)
I LOVE reading -- everything from classics to chick lit (my admitted favorite). And I think that books can be so pretty.
xo Josie
Reading is good and one of my favorite pastimes. And you picked some fun reads. Kori's book is fabulous. I'll be honest I don't think I've read the other two. I didn't have to read Catcher in the Rye in high school - at least I don't think so...
i wish i had more time to read.. its a great hobby!!
I like reading I just don't make time for it. This might sound bad but I am currently reading 3 books at a time. Almost done with Murder on the Boulevard.
I love reading. Maybe you could show us more of the books you read from now on. And great pictures, by the way :)
I love reading, beautiful pictures, love the bookmarks in the first pretty
So glad you just got into reading! I've always said if you say you don't like to read, then you are just reading the wrong books. (I guess that's the teacher in me?)
I highly recommend The Help, The Secret Life of Cee Cee Wilkes, and The Time Traveler's Wife.
Harry Potter is also my favorite :)
Favorite authors are James Patterson and Jodi Picoult.
If you are a fan of chick lit anything by Sophie Kinsella is good. I like Something Borrowed and Something Blue by Emily Giffin. Let us know what you choose :)
Gorgeous post! It's so hard to go digital with all of these beautiful books to display! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Leann!!! What's your pinterest account? I want to follow youuuu! (I'm
YAY! I'm just getting back into reading. Just finished THe Help. SO good! Excited for movie now. On to Sarah's Key...
You can check out my blog, I have a bunch of different book reviews :)
Join Goodreads. Then you can follow people/friends. See what they're reading and manage your own reading list. It's the only way I keep track of everything I want to read. Enjoy!
I'm so glad you're hopping on the book train too. You're actually doing a lot better than me since I've only read two all year. I read The Catcher in the Rye when I was in school and hated it. I feel horrible for saying that, but it's true.
I'm going to have to read Kori's book at some point. I'm attempting to read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for the 3rd time. Everyone says that once I get past page 100 you can't put it down. We'll see since I haven't made it past page 70 yet.
I really liked The Murderer's Daughters and would recommend that 100%!
I love the look of books stacked together....old books, new books...maybe that's why I'm a English/Reading teacher...I just love books! LOL!!!
Thank you so much for linking up!!!
Michelle @ The Vintage Apple
Wow great suggestions here! So much to read! Thanks for mentioning my book love! Kori xoxo
Books! I love this topic! This summer I have read Water for Elephants, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and I'm halfway through three books right now. :| Normally I wouldn't do that, but I was more than halfway through Jhumpa Lahiri's The Namesake when my Hell's Angels book arrived in the mail, and I couldn't resist starting that . . . and then I accidentally left my backpack in SF, so I had to buy a book at the airport! Now I'm in the middle of Little Bee, and I LOVE IT!
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