Anastasia is a brow expert for the hottest celebs, shaping the brows of pretty people such as Jennifer Lopez, Oprah, and Kristen Cavalari. Lucky for us regular ol' Janes like you and me, her products are available at Sephora and Nordstrom. And for this contest - possibly a delivery straight to your door! That means we can all have perfectly manicured eyebrows. 'Cause let's be honest, we don't always go in to get them done professionally as often as we'd like (or is that just me?).
Check out this video, showing Anastasia in action:
"Beauty Express" brow-kit instructional video from Anastasia Beverly Hills on Vimeo.
For this giveaway, you could win a Beauty Express brow kit (you'll pick blonde or brunette) which has a retail value of $39.50 - pictured above of Taylor Swift. Pretty sweet!

To enter you must leave a comment.
For additional entries, do any/all of the following:
-Follow Join the Gossip on Google Friend Connect
-Follow Join the Gossip on Twitter
-Tweet about this giveaway (leave tweet URL in your comment, please :)
-Like Join the Gossip on Facebook
That's a total of five entries possible. Please leave a separate comment for each entry. One winner will be selected and announced next Friday, August 26. Good luck!
I follow you on Twitter!
I tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/blondeublonde/status/104594074006323201
Whoops! This is my comment for the first entry! :)
I follow you obvs! Would love this =)
wow wow this is a terrific giveway!! definitely entering ebcause i would love to win her products
i follow you via GFC
i liked join the gossip on facebook as well :-)
Great post and I've read a lot about Anastasia and this brow bar. That would be so cool to win that. Thanks for sharing, following you on GFC and Twitter.
Have a good weekend
1- my brows could use some definition!
2- I follow on GFC
3- I follow on Twitter
4- I like on FB
ooo such a great product! I'm with you... definitely don't get them professionally done as often as I should. oops haha
and of course I follow you (:
I follow on twitter!
I follow on GFC =)
I like on FB!
I tweeted the giveaway! YAY!
I'm a follower! I love her products, they are the best!
PLEASE ENTER YOUR DEAR FRIEND CLAIRE!!! :) You know I follow through gfc, duh!
TWEETED. Crossing fingers! Was just eyeing some brow stuff at Sephora but didn't let myself indulge.
Great giveaway! I'm anew follower :)
I'm a blog follower!
I follow you on twitter too!
I like you on facebook.
Hi Beautiful! What a great giveaway! I'm not to enter because I already have & use this kit (SO FAB), but I just wanted to let your girls know that it is AMAZING!!! Went to see her & had an appointment & she is ABSOLUTELY, THE brow expert! =) You guys will LOVE this kit! Best of luck to you all! Have a PERFECT day, L! XO
Calling All Dolls!
awesome! thanks!
ashleybrookeblog at gmail dot com
following you on gfc as ashley brooke
ashleybrookeblog at gmail dot com
Awesome giveaway! I've heard great things about this kit! I already follow you on Twitter :)
Seriously, I've seen this kit in a ton of beauty tutorials and love how easy it is to work with! I'm sure it would really complete my overall make-up routine :)
Oh, and I have no idea how I haven't been following you on GFC because I could have sworn that I was, but I am now!! :)
how awesome is this?! count me in please. :D
<3, Mimi
and of course i am a follower via gfc! :D
<3, Mimi
i also follow on twitter! :D
<3, Mimi
Omg, I LOVE this giveaway and am hardcore crossing my fingers (I say this totally embarrassed that I haven't gotten my eyebrows waxed recently).
Follow you on GFC (obvi).
And of course I follow you on Twitter! <3
Love you, girl! xox
I want to win, I want to win!
You know I follow you :) great giveaway. And thanks for the comment on my Fashion Friday post, that's a great idea I love Kori and her fabulous blog.
looks like a nice kit. good luck to the entrants!
I'm a follower!
I follow you on Twitter!
I just tweeted!
Hey first time on your blog...it's really cool. I'm following!
So awesome :)
Missing Amsie Blog
Great giveaway
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
following on twitter-annakul
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
like on fb-anna ku
Here is my first comment. Love this giveaway. I am so obsessed with my eyebrows but since I have bangs, I don't have to worry about them so much. But yet, I still fill them them.
I follow you through GFC.
And of course I follow you on Twitter. We have some good times with our tweets.
Love Anastasia!
I'm a follower!
looks like that could come in handy! and I'm a follower :)
Brow beauty...just what I need! I don't have them done at the salon as often as I should...right now, they're a mess.
shel704 at aol dot com
GFC Follower
shel704 at aol dot com
Twitter follower @auntiethesis
shel704 at aol dot com
Facebook fan: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com
shel704 at aol dot com
what a great prize - would be awesome! :)
following of course!
following you on twitter - @krystals
like you on fb! krystal b.
tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/KrystalS/status/106039980278824960
Okay so I'm not going to lie, my brows could totally use some help. I'm blonde so I can get away with their craziness - it's not noticeable from a far, but I notice and that's the point!! I've heard of this kit before, but never used it
I'm a follow :)
and I stalk you on twitter. I mean, follow you :)
I'm a follower!
Tweet tweet
greattttttttt giveaway!
I Follow Join the Gossip on Google Friend Connect as Sadi
Follow Join the Gossip on Twitter as Sad20ful
Like Join the Gossip on Facebook as Sadia Latif
email : sadia.latif10@gmail.com
what a fab giveaway
enter me plzz
email : sadia.latif10@gmail.com
I tweeted here : http://twitter.com/#!/Sad20ful/status/106690951136821248
email : sadia.latif10@gmail.com
I'm a follower! I would love this kit! :)
Love your blog ¡!
I'm a follower! ( joined you on google friend connect)
& I "liked" you on facebook!
Oh my goodness what a great giveaway!
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