How was your summer? What are the exciting, or happily unexciting, moments that you enjoyed?
Be sure to link up for Pink & Green Thursday over at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover!

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I feel like summer is never going to end where I am... I was hoping for a miraculous cool-down overnight in honor of Sept but not so much! It will be 100+ degrees today. Again.
That drink looks so tempting right now :)
What lovely summer images -- I just wish it would cool down a touch here! Here's to fall coming soon!
xo Josie
summer flew by! great pics
AGAIN - i keep forgetting i have instagram - i bought the app and never used it - AUGH! .... MUST USE APP SOON!
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
I started summer with a mini Memorial Day trip and am ending with a Labor Day trip... but didn't do much in between :/
Is Man Candy Monday taking a holiday weekend hiatus? If not I need to prepare my post and schedule it since I'll be away
That fruity beverage looks DELISH! Mmmm...
Love those puppies! So sweet!
My summer was HOT. I've never said I was ready for fall before but I SOOOOO AM!
Yuum that drink looks SO good!! And your pups are so cute!!
I hate to say it but I'm OVER summer! I'm just ready for whatever Fall we're gonna get down here! lol..
I LOVE all your Instagram pictures, girl! Your summer looks like it had the perfect blend of time with family, friends, and with drinks (the ultimate summer accessory). Your pups could not be cuter!
So sad :(. I don't want the summer to ever end! Fortunately in Greece September is usually a hot month and we continue to hit the beaches! The beverage looks delicious! x
Tear. :( So sad. Enjoy the final days over Labor Day weekend. xo style, she wrote
Awwww your dogs are too cute!
what summer? seemed like we barely had one up here in norcal. hmph. ah well...i do love fall so i'll get over it.
favorite part for me...NYC of course.
It looks like you had a lovely summer! It seemed like it went by so fast though! But I'm definitely ready for some fall weather!
aaah, i am loving the look of that fruity beverage! :)
<3, Mimi
Sometimes uneventful, relaxing summers are the best. I had one too. It makes me ready for fall and all the craziness the holidays bring. Your pictures are so pretty!
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