It's no surprise that I am a huge fan of the show Pretty Little Liars. Have been since day 1. It's one of the shows that I have to watch live. I'm willing to sit through commercials just because I can't wait to watch each week. Needless to say, when I was one of the bloggers invited to the set of PLL to get an up and close look at the fashion, tour the set, and snap a pic with a certain hunky teacher, I was beyond excited!
Upon arriving at Warner Brothers Studios we were escorted to a classroom set and got to browse through the wardrobes of Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Emily as we spoke with Costume Designer, Mandi Line.
There were pretty little dresses...
...And pretty little pumps
Wish I had Spencer's closet
Aria's vintage/funky attire
An outfit of Emily's
Hanna's wardrobe
Mandi is AMAZING! Not only is she a total badass rocker chick with a serious eye for styling, she's also a big personality. Funny, animated, and friendly. It's so refreshing when such a cool person has a great attitude to match. Mandi took the time to speak with each of us, pose for pictures, and give us insight on PLL styling.
Mandi and me
After our fashion fix, we were surprised by a visit from Ian Harding, aka the teacher we all wish we had in high school, Mr. Ezra Fitz. He graciously posed with each of us before heading to his next engagement.
(insert swoon here!)
Next we took a tour of the set, stopping to see Spencer, Hannah, and Aria's bedrooms - all of which are adorable. The cool thing about the tour was that we got to see how the set is expanded depending on the scene and "location". For example, the classroom also serves as the cafeteria and the setting of school dances.
Hanna's Room
Spencer's room
Aria's room
The classroom
Sounds like a pretty amazing night right? Well it was, and I wanted to share the excitement with you. The people of Warner Brothers graciously donated a Season 1 Pretty Little Liars DVD which I am going to give to one of you!

T0 be entered, simply leave me a comment with your email address (so I can contact you). I'll select and announce one winner this Friday, December 9.
Be sure to tune into the winter premiere of Pretty Little Liars on Monday, January 2 at 8/7 c on ABC Family!
Shoot, dang girl! This looks like it was amazing?! I wouldn't mind having him as my teacher, that's for sure! I haven't seen the show! So I'd love to win the first season! Sign me up, you starlet you! Glad you had an amazing time!
you took amazing photos of the girls bedrooms on set! great meeting you!!
Love love love! I'm so jealous!
So, so cool!! What a wonderful experience you all were given! I would love this DVD set.
Leeann I am so jealous! Especially because you got to meet Mr. Fitz!!! These pics are great! Thanks for sharing!
Leeann I am so jealous! Especially because you got to meet Mr. Fitz!!! These pics are great! Thanks for sharing!
What a fun night. Drooling over their wardrobes.
I love pll!
I am with you on all things PLL. becky_brum(at)yahoo(dot)com
This is so cool!! I have never watched PLL but have always wanted to get into it.
A picture with Mr. Fitz? So jealous! I love all their clothes, but I think Emily is more my style, with a little bit of Hanna thrown in. I love that you get to do all this stuff and blog about it so I can live vicariously through you! And you all looked amazing! But one question, does it take the magic out of TV making after you’ve see the sets?
I've never watched it but that hunky teacher is a good enough reason! lol :-)
What a great tour and giveaway! Ummm Mr Fitz -- hello gorgeous! I always thought he looked short - he looks tall next to you!!
Ummmm enter to me win please! :) Email in profile!
Woow!!! so awesome and i totally wish i had spencer's and hanna's wardrobe!!
so fun...there should be blogger things like this in new york.
I've been dying to check out this show... would LOVE to win the first season!
Looks like you had such a great time! Lucky duck!
Ok i need to win this!! I have never watched the show, but I've heard great things about it! So awesome that you got to go on set!!
I can't say I've ever watched the show but I've heard good things. That looks like a lot of fun. :)
Swoon...awwwww!!! Love it! And hey girl, I'm so glad Annemarie, you and I are pretty much the same height... :) Just saying!
Love the pics and am so glad you had a great time yesterday!
I would love to win the season 1 dvd as a good friend of mine keeps telling me how much I would love the show!
i don't watch the show but even i would be excited to be there. how fun!
and loving your red hot pants, you sexy minx! ;)
Pretty Little Liars is my favorite! I loved the books and fell in love with the show, Aria reminds me a lot of myself <3 Im behind a bit on the show, I wish I had more time. Youre luck to be able to visit the set!
Great post Leeann! It was so much fun! Kori xoxo
I'm so excited that you were able to attend this event, since I know what a huge fan you are of the show!
It looks like it was a blast and the photo with Mr. Fitz came out so great! It must have been really fun to tour the set and speak with people that work on the show.
The leopard skirt in Aria's wardrobe is so chic. I could never pull it off, but I totally see her wearing the entire ensemble.
Looks like you had so much fun! You lucky girl, you! btw your outfit was fab! xo
So I've never watched this show, but I've heard so many good things! And even if I've never seen it, I'm super jealous! It looks so fun!
Fingers crossed that I win so I can finally see this!
I have been a PLL fan since day 1 as well! I absolutely love the fashion. What a lucky girl you are to have gotten to experience that *JEALOUS!*. I would love to win this season 1 dvd!
I so wanna see this show!!! If I don't win your awesome giveaway, I'm gonna find it online or on amazon or something. Right up my alley--I love high schoolers. :)
So cute that there's a character named Aria--that's my bff's daughter's name! And Ezra is one of my 2 favorite names for boys. LOVE IT. You get invited to the coolest stuff!
How lucky are you?? You must tell me how you were able to go to set and take a peek at everything. I love this show so much and would love to win! My email is
Eternally yours,
I am slowly but surely heading into my late 20s and I am completely obsessed with Pretty Little Liars! Havent read any of the books yet but Im making my way towards them!! Great giveaway!
Wow that's an amazing opportunity. I love watching the show. Their wardrobes and their rooms are awesome. It's pretty great that you were able to meet Mr Fitz :)
Gosh, looks like such an amazing time!!
i am still sooooo jealous! and Ian Harding?! yum! i would love to win the DVD!
Oh my goodness! you are one lucky lady. Ian Harding is too cute. I love the PLL wardrobe, I can't wait until January. And because I would love to have season 1 on DVD- my email is:
Oh, how cool! I will have to show this to Logan... she LOVES that show. I love their wardrobe. xo
Oh my God, I can´t believe this! It´s so exciting! I´m so jealous :) Love all your amazing pictures!
xx Ivana
Stop by sometimes :)
Macarons and Pearls
wow, amazing!! and, love the pic of you bloggers... favorites all in one pic!
Ahhh so exciting! I want Spencer's wardrobe, too (she's my fave).
That's so cool you got to see everything!... I have been dying to get caught up with the show so this would be perfect!
What an amazingly fun opportunity!! So jealous!
i won't lie. i'm a little jealous. i love that show. :D so good.
I don't watch a lot of tv, but this show does look good! Since I read a lot of YA, I'm sure I would love it!
Oops, email: amber_johnson2004 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for sharing this with us! I wish I had a wardrobe of professionals for my own "look"! :)
No way!! I love PLL!! I wish I could magically get their wardrobes into my closet!
My best friend loves PLL and I've never seen it so what a great way to start watching it-with the first full season:)
It must have been fun to tour the set when you are a big fan of the show. I have never seen the show so I was looking forward to entering your giveaway but I'm too late.
I don't think I was following your blog back when this occurred but OMG I AM SO JEALOUS!!!! Ian Harding?! I die. Why didn't you give him my phone number? We would have fallen in love and I would have moved to LA and we could have been IRL friends! Sighhhh. This is so cool. Next time invite me pretty please :)
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