Monday, October 13, 2008

Crazy California Weather

Here in Southern California we have been experiencing fires and wind...bad combination! Today I heard a news report that one of the fires is so hot that if you're standing 30 feet away, your clothes can catch on fire. 

Here are a few photos that I took while driving home. You can't really tell, but there were huge gusts of wind blowing the trees around. You are forewarned, these pictures were taken through my car window =)


Danz said...

Oh, I hope nothing serious happens! We've been experiencing some pretty bad weather here too...lightning storms almost every day.
Take care and have a great day tomorrow :)

Marian said...

wow this is serious. I hope it all gets contained hon. keep safe darling and thanks for sharing the photos.I really like your blog layout and the banner.

SHIZUKA said...

gosh that is scary:S clothes catching on fire :( hope the weather gets better!

Anonymous said...

Please be safe.

Angela said...

i don't know if i should put away summer clothes or what.... but the fire is bad and my allergy is killing me with this wind.

Ro said...

Aside from the unusually cool weather, I really hate the Santa Ana winds. And everyone's sick too!!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Thanks for all of the warm wishes everyone! It's much calmer today, but more fires =(

Savy Mode & Ro: you two live in So Cal as well?

saray said...

hope nothing serious happens

Anonymous said...

lovely photos! hope everything turns out okay!

Reena Rai said...

Be safe xx

Shes Dressing Up said...

Ooh the last photo really shows how vicious the wind is!
I hope the fires die out soon!