Last night I caught the debut NYC Prep episode. Before I get into my review I just want to put this out there--yes, I am jealous. They have rich, amazing lives. Who isn't jealous? That being said, I think the show stinks.
An attempt at a real life version of Gossip Girl (the 2nd season will be available on DVD in August!), Bravo falls short on this voyeuristic attempt. They are usually the master of reality, too. I love me some Real Housewives (New Jersey currently), My Life on the D List, Top Chef, Project Runway...you get the point.
The problem with NYC Prep, I think, is that the characters are too young. I was in their shoes 10 years ago, and I am no saint, but for the most part nothing that crazy happens in high school. The season will inevitably heat up as the episodes continue; however, I wasn't impressed with the first show.
The episode consists of teens shopping, flirting, and eating. That's it. Of course they have attitudes, but most teens do. I wouldn't say that they were overly snotty about their status, but you are well aware while watching that they are wealthy. Most of them at least...
Who really annoyed me was the character Sebastian. Bro, you're 15 and a sophomore, not Gerard Butler. You're not getting all of the action you play off that you are. Plus, girls don't like the cocky attitude. Same goes for PC. Surprisingly I tolerated the girls more than the guys. Camille bothers me a lot as well.

Although a little over the top and straightforward, if I had to pick a "character" I liked the most it'd be Jessie. The girl has great clothes and she's bitchy to the other girls which is comical. At least she's real about it though. The other ladies just play off like they are nice, but they're really just condescending.
Truth may be stranger than fiction, but not in this case. Maybe I was expecting something more scandalous like GG which is nothing near reality, or The Hills which is supposed to be a reality show but is also completely fabricated. Or, maybe I am just too old to care about the lives of those a decade younger than me!
Did anyone else see it? If so, what did you think? Should I give the show another chance?
Photos courtesy of: The Preppy Princess and redhousepro.com
I've never heard of this but nothing can beat Gossip girl...high school is not what most tend to make it out to be. It's innocent fun, nothing that exciting :P
truthfully... I know some NY girls, and they don't act like that. They put GG to shame, because the little games they play in that book and on the movie are childs play to them. Watching this show was going to be really disenheartening after being besties with the real things, is what I thought... and what happened.
havent actually heard of it or seen it but looks interesting! x
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So I saw a preview for NYC Prep and I have to say that I have zero interest in watching kids who grow up with a silver spoon and have a sense of entitlement. But maybe that's the catch - to see the lives of people who live so differently than like 90% of the world. Maybe you should watch one or two more episodes to see if their characters develop and any plots thicken; otherwise it could just be like a Sweet 16 episode. =P
I was going to give this show a chance, but decided last minute to skip watching. I adore Gossip Girl, don't get me wrong, but I hate ANY show that glorifies "real" kids or teens getting and being given everything and anything they want. For me, I've always seen shows like this as teaching the normal little teenagers that sense of overwhelming entitlement they feel. I always want to throw things at the tv when I see MTV's "My Sweet Sixteen" or other things along those lines. I like reality shows occasionally, but stay far far away from these types. Personally, I hope it gets cancelled. :)
I have not caught it but I heard that some of them are not in prestigious schools?
oooh i heard about this show.. but didn't know it started already.. it seemed interesting.. spoiled kids.. haha
I've seen little blurbs about it in magazines, but have never seen it. I kind of want to though. I'm a sucker for scandalous, guilty pleasure shows about the rich set! :)
I thought it was entertaining and I'll keep watching, but I definitely agree with what you said about Sebastian. He is not that cool and he really needs to stop. Camille got on my nerves also and I liked Jessie the most. I also liked that public school girl.
I think it is fun watching typical teenage drama play out on televison. I'll give it a few episodes and then see how I feel.
Wow, I have no words. It like you completely read my mind! I think I'm going to have a love/hate relationship with this show.
Take care!
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