The above picture is how I'm sure we'd all like to think of our main man. Not so much as of late. Despite my love for Ben, I gotta say that I cannot get on board with his new 'do. I get that it's for a movie. It's just hair and it'll (hopefully) be tamer soon enough. But in the meantime, it's killin' his looks. Am I right?
Let's look at the current state of Mr. Affleck, taking an evolutionary journey of hair over the past few months:

OK it's gray. Bound to happen. Maybe he'll turn into a stone fox?

Wait, what?! Your name is B-E-N, not Justin.

You're married to Jennifer, not her gay stylist!

This is full-blown Beegee hair.

That nasty excuse for hair has bred and is not taking over his face as well.
I miss hot Ben. The one that captivated the world with his handsome boyish Boston looks! He turns 40 this year, that's not that old.
On a side note, tomorrow i am exchanging blogs with Lindsay from Last Year of Twenty Something...! Be sure to stop by and check out her post and visit her blog to see mine.
I love him too and he's from my neck of the woods. I hope his mangy appearance is for a role and he's not just getting lazy because he has kids. Such of waste of a beautiful face! xo
I'm with you-- I can't get into the new hair style. Clean cut works way better for him!
Ben Affleck is my perfect guy. While I like the clean cut Ben a bit better...I still love him. He's always hot to me.
oh i like him now so much more!
"your name isnt justin" haha!
Hahah! Awesome post! I do hope they have a baby boy. I blame Jen for his unattractiveness. She always looks sloppy. And I miss Bennifer! Hahaha. I kinda like the gray though!
I blame JLO. Hahahaha. Yeah, that hair has got to go!
"Gay Stylist!" Bahahaa
You know what they say... you get comfy ina relationship... thats what I'm blaming my excess weight on! :)
Ps. I gave you the Versatile Award! http://hgifford.blogspot.com/2012/01/ooooh-award.html
I've been thinking the same thing! Bring back beautiful Ben!
he does look better clean shaven!
Ben. Come back to us.
xo Josie
Oh. Ben has always been my man, he is so damn handsome! But seriously that hair and new gay stylist look (perfect description btw!) have got to go! I'm surprised Jennifer lets him walk around like that.
Ok, so I've come to learn that you are not a huge fan of long hair or scruff, am I right?
Now the haircut isn't that great, but he doesn't look that bad with long hair, and the scruff (ok, beard) isn't all that bad either. It's just not that clean cut look we are all used to. What movie is he going to be in? Something set in the 70's?
lmao, you're hilarious & totally right!
Hopefully once this movie is over he'll go back to being 'hot Ben', again. Also, I'm definitely hoping they have a boy.
haha, yeah, he has gotten pretty hairy but he looks like a pretty excellent dad so I'm going to cut him a little slack.
Hmmm . . . I'm undecided. I think he's cute, but he's not at the top of my list. Normally I'm a fan of shaggy hair, but his is a little extreme (you're right--a little too Beegee like, I think).
I LOVE celebrity babies! Can't wait to see this one :)
Man Candy on a Thursday... fun!
Ben is soo hot! Have you seen The Town?
Anyway I don't like the Bieberish or BeeGeeish pics but I don't think the others are that bad. I think trying too hard to look young would be more unatractive IMHO.
I like him (especially in Pearl Harbor) But I'm not feeling the hair, at least it's for a role though.
I would love for them to have a boy! he would be so handsome!
Eternally yours,
I agree! Bring back the hot Ben with a good hair cut! Excited to "blog swap" with you tomorrow!! :)
i blame j-lo too!!! LOL!!! gawd i hated them together.
i say this is just a phase. he'll go back to hot ben...you know the one from "the town" that made me jizz myself multiple times. yes i know he'll back...so dontcha worry none!
You are hilarious! I love this post and when I read it in the morning, it totally made my day. I agree with you 100%. He was so hot in his prime (think Armageddon) but these days, even if it's for a movie, he looks so gross. Whatever movie it's for, I certainly won't be watching it.
I just read the comment above from bananas (lol) - that scene from The Town definitely showed us that he has still got it. But now, I just don't know.
HAHA! oh my gosh, this made me laugh!
you're so right! what happened to him?!
so amazing how much of a difference hair makes!
too funny with the bee gee look! lmao!
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