Somehow he always plays the jerky, cocky role which makes me wonder if he has a similar personality in real life. I'd like to think no but either way, when you look like that, I guess you can get away with it!
Joshua David Duhamel
November 14, 1972
Minot, North Dakota
French Canadian
Fun Facts
-Played football in college and aspired to go to dental school.
-Graduated with a degree in biology.
-Was working construction at 26 when he was discovered and offered a modeling role.
-Beat Ashton Kutcher for a top modeling role.
-Owns a restaurant in his hometown of Minot, North Dakota called "10 North Main".
Relationship Status
Married to Stacy "Fergie" Ferguson
Notable Roles
New Years Eve (the commercials are all over TV right now!)
Transformers (all three movies)
When in Rome
The Romantics
Life as We Know It
Las Vegas
Win a Date With Tad Hamilton
All My Children
I dare anyone to say they don't think Josh is man candy worthy!

Oh he's definitely a big hunk!!!
oh what a hunka-chunka-momma!! i loved him in las vegas and also in that movie, life as we know it with katherine heigl. good choice of my calorie-free man candy monday! mmm good!
He's a total cutie.
I was watching Win a Date with Tad Hamilton recently... cutie!! I still can't believe he's married to Fergie.
yea...he's hot!!! fergie definitely snagged herself a handsome one.
my guess is he's cocky...but that's okay. he can be cocky with that face.
Oh man, he is a looker! I kinda like that attitude that he has. It adds to his mystery...
I'm beyond obsessed with him. He's so gorgeous.
xo Josie
He is so gorgeous...Fergie is a lucky woman :)
Happy Monday sweetie!
xx Ivana
Stop by sometimes :)
Style in the City
he is way too cute for his own good :)
OH I Love Josh! He is sooooo HOT!
I've even chosen him before for my ManCandy Monday!
I don't think Fergie deserves him.
Love him! I'm worried that he's kind of a d*ck too because of stories I've heard in the tabloids, but he is just soooo cute.
He's gorgeous! I remember first falling for him on the show Las Vegas. Fergie is one lucky lady!
If I ever find myself in North Dakota, I'll have to check his restaurant out!
Completely agree with you. He is one beautiful man!
oh I also was a fan of him on AMC... actually I think i remember having his picture up in my locker in high school at one point
Oh MAN is he pretty! Sooo pretty, great choice!
Also, all of my giveaways are open until Wednesday. Feel free to enter any or all of them! :)
SWOON! He is definitely a good looking man!
He's too handsome! I loved him in When In Rome and still watch reruns of Las Vegas because of him.
I love him! I loved him on AMC and Las Vegas! He was cute in Life As We Know It too! Ahh, such a hottie!
Woo WOo. I like him in that movie with Katherine Heigl and the baby.....I blanked on the title! He does play a good "jerk". :)
He is one good looking man!!!
I heart Josh Duhamel... it makes me so sad because I'm not a huge fan of Fergie... but he is just beautiful!!! SIGH!!!!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! XOXO
love the boyish looks
he's such a cute! can't believe he's married to Fergie!!!
xoxo, Haus of Gala
Such a hottie!
aaaaahahhhhhhh, i love josh duhamel!!! and you're right, he does tend to play the jerky types, but i really hope he isn't like that in real life. ;)
<3, Mimi
$100 Shopbop Gift Card Giveaway
Fergie is one lucky lady!
Super yummy!!!!
Tall dark and handsome! I love him. I don't see what he sees in Fergie though. I don't like her!
He's so tall and dreamy! I saw New Year's Eve on the weekend and he is hot as ever in the movie. Too bad the movie sucked :(
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