JTT: I don't think Jonathan Taylor Thomas needs an intro. My walls were lined with BOP and Tiger Beat posters of the smart ass son of Tim the Tool Man Taylor on Home Improvement. He still looks the same today. That little boy face...and height...poor thing.

Jonathan Brandis: Meghan and I actually share a love for Mr. Brandis. He was so cute and I was obsessed with all of his movies! I even had - OK probably still have, somewhere - a Seaquest figurine. Unfortunately we lost him to suicide when he was just a young man :( Such a tragic story.

Nick Hexum: My first rocker crush, of many. From the moment I laid eyes on Nick Hexum who had bleached hair and wore wife beaters and Dr. Martins (hey it was the 90s don't judge!) I was in love! That was when I was 12, now I am 27 and still think he's the hottest guy in.the.world. Yes, obsessed to this day ;)

Ben Affleck: Armageddon. I had posters of Ben Affleck in his space suit and another of him as a "dirty roughneck". Um Bruce Willis - leave him alone! Isn't is obvious why Liv Tyler loves him?! OK Armageddon isn't real, but my (continued) adoration for him is!

Thomas Ian Nicholas: Remember Rookie of the Year? I sure do! I was in elementary school and I couldn't stop thinking about the lead actor. What was wrong with me? I soon realized he was my first crush ever! Like JTT, Thomas didn't really get much taller either haha. He's an attractive enough guy and was cute in the American Pie movies but he just doesn't do it for me anymore.
Go link up over at The Perfect Compliation Tape to join in on the fun!
P.S. Does anyone else have trouble editing posts on a PC? This took me two hours to format...and still look like poo :( My Mac is fine...
All photos courtesy of: Google
Oh man! THANK you for this post! What a flash back, I am going to steal this idea! HOW FUN! Love your blog
If I can swing it (time-wise), I'm totally gonna post about this later. I wanted to do it this morning but promised my sis I'd post about her etsy shop discount, and today's kinda crazy with my students' big event. But celeb crushes are one of my favorite things to talk about! Even funnier, my list would be SO DIFFERENT than yours, ha! :)
hahahah love this list, though I'd have to add Devon Sawa to :)
where is devon sawa?! just kidding! this brought back sooo many memories ;-)
Total flashback! I was confused for a brief second and then realized these were old photos. Duh.
Sorry to hear about your posting challenges - that is so frustrating (and time consuming). I haven't been having any problems lately, so maybe your computer is just having a bad day.
Omg, this list is bringing back my childhood in the best way possible! I STILL have a serious crush on Thomas Ian Nicholas. Did you ever see that movie when he goes back in time to the Middle Ages? SO CUTE.
And JTT will always have my heart.
Also, Andrew Keegan was big on my list - I'm still convinced he's my soulmate! (And by soulmate, I mean that I think he's gorgeous and we would have pretty babies together).
This post is 100% perfection.
Also, I love YOU.
ooohhh JTT! definitely loved him back in the day! :)
Oh my gosh. JTT. Loved him. In 5th or 6th grade me and my friends would bring the BOP and Tiger Beat to school and look at them before school in the cafeteria. They were so much fun. I actually saw one of my middle schoolers with one the other day, and I didn't even know they still published those magazines!
Blasts from the pasts, you picked some good ones.
this is so cute! I just got nostalgic. LOVE it.
haha, so cute! might need to do a post like this. Loved JTT and our little Rookie of the Year; just read he's now a singer/songwriter who's on tour overseas. Random right??
I used to love love love ben affleck as well. I grew out of it though lol.
I'm having a $100 dollar Shopbop giftcard GIVEAWAY on my blog! Come check it out :) It's open to international bloggers as well.
Collections Giveaway
Thank you so much for the link-up, my dear! I cannot believe someone else loved Jonathan Brandis as much as I did! I thought I was the only one!
You are too sweet. I hope you have wonderful weekend!
My crush as a young girl was also Jonathan Brandis! Oh how I loved him. It all started with The Neverending Story II. Awww. Such a cutie. I was so sad when he died.
I have and always probably will count Ben Affleck as my number one celeb crush. He has always always been so dreamy. Swoon. We just watched the Town, and hew was looking super fine with speckles of grey in that hair.
One embarrassing crush from my younger years? The guy from Free Willy. Ha. I watched that movie a million times. ;)
i loooove this post! ben affleck is really very swoon-worthy! :D some of my childhood crushes were justin timberlake, justin timberlake, and justin timberlake... hahahah! i also really liked devon sawa (like everyone else), especially in casper! :D
<3, Mimi
JTT. AKA my lover. He was SO fantastic on Home Improvement. I was big on Rider Strong, AKA Shawn from Boy Meets world, and Steve from Full House. Brilliant.
xo Josie
That is such a great post and I have a crush on Ben Affleck as well:) Have a lovely Friday morning, darling
Oh my thank you for the flashback! Love it!
Ben Affleck is still my crush. The other weekend I had to watch Armageddon. I love that movie and it just gets me every time.
I remember that guy from The Rookie and JTT. I wonder where they are now and what they are doing.
You've been tagged! :)
Oh this was fun. :) Ha, it sure was flash back time... ;)
I totally had a Jonathon Brandis crush!
I was soooo into JTT back in the day! What great nostalgia, thanks for that.
Oh my gosh, what a blast from the past!!! Yes, I was so in love with JTT. Also Devon Sawa. And Justin Timberlake. Lol Cute post!
I'm a new follower! Found you through Blonde Episodes.
I had both of those Ben Affleck/Armageddon posters too! I loved him. Still kinda do.
Oh wow! This is completely awesome. I loved JTT, Jonathan Brandis and adored Thomas Ian Nicholas in the Rookie of the Year movie.
I will have to do a post like this sometime :)
Ohh I also loved Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Ben Affleck!!!
oh my gosh - this made my day! I used to have posters of JTT all over my walls!
♥nice post.)) love your blog♥
lovely blog! x
Aw, man I should have done this one. So fun! Last week just completely got away from me. I'm somehow not familiar with Jonathan Brandis, but Geof just told me some stuff he was in. I'm with you on Ben Affleck. He was such a hottie, especially in Armageddon. I get the rocker thing and Nick Hexum is pretty hot ;)
Ok so now the age difference between us is showing LOL. My Tiger Beat Days included Ralph Macchio and Cory Heart
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